COVID-19: A glance to our approach against this pandemic

22 Mar

COVID-19: A glance to our approach against this pandemic

Our priority during these tough days are to contain the virus and prevent it from spreading across borders or between individuals. We strictly follow the guidelines from health authorities in operating countries and are constantly monitoring the situation to take additional measures, if required.

Oil World has already issued a ‘Work from Home’ strategy to almost 80% of the team; only the essential staff are working from sites and offices on a rotation basis. In an approach to ensure the health and safety of our colleagues and clients, we have rescheduled our operations till April 30th, it is ensured that this target will be achieved with no impact on the monthly payments of all fixed and contractual employees.

In addition to the loss of human life, the economic effects of the Covid-19 outbreak will be devastating. It impacts all sectors of the economy and can have long-lasting effects in the regions we operate. Oil World is looking forward to supporting the communities where we are working by increasing the local contents and other measures.

Let us stay safe together during this hard time!